List of telnet bot commands

Command Needed Permissions? Description
activatefunction <bot name> <function prefix> Login needed Activate the given function!
botquit Login needed Stops the whole bot process!
disablefunction <bot name> <function prefix> Login needed Disable the given bot function!
help Nothing needed Shows you a list of telnet bot commands.
instancerunningcount Nothing needed Shows a number of running virtual bot instances!
instancelistreload Login needed Reloads the instance list! This is needed after creating or deleting a bot. This command also reloads some settings like the Bot Full Admin List, the exec command and telnet connection log.
instancelist Login needed Shows a list of virtual bot instances!
login <password> Nothing needed Login as fulladmin with the given telnet password!
reconnectmysqllogger Login needed Reconnects the logger to the MySQL server!
reload <bot name> Login needed Reload the given virtual bot instance! Bot will reconnect to the TS3 server and reload the whole bot configuration.
reloadallinstances Login needed Reloads all virtual bot instances! All bots will reconnect to the TS3 server and reload the whole bot configuration.
reloadconfig <instance name> Login needed Reload config of the given virtual bot instance without reconnecting to the TS3 server! The configuration of all active bot functions and the bot admin list will be reloaded. Changed TS3 server connection details and added or removed bot functions don't get loaded.
rename <old name>;<new name> Login needed Rename the given virtual bot instance name!
start <bot name> Login needed Start the given virtual bot instance!
status <bot name> Nothing needed Show status of a virtual bot instance! 1 = on, 0 = off, -1 = n/a
statusall Nothing needed Shows a comma separated list with the status of all virtual bot instances! 1 = on, 0 = off
stop <bot name> Login needed Stops the given virtual bot instance!
quit Nothing needed Quits the current telnet connection!