Since web interface build 3023 this is not needed anymore, because fatal run-time errors will be always displayed.
If you just get a white page in your browser, if you try to open the index.php or install.php of the web interface, enable the debug mode to see why this happens. By default the web interface is surpessing all PHP notices, warnings and error messages. But on critical PHP errors you see nothing.
Open the install.php and/or index.php with an editor like Notepad++, by default the first 10 lines of both files looks like:
error_reporting(0); ## LIVE
#ini_set('display_errors', 1); ## TESTING
#error_reporting(E_ALL); ## TESTING
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
To enable the debug mode, comment out line 3 and uncomment the lines 5 and 6.
#error_reporting(0); ## LIVE
ini_set('display_errors', 1); ## TESTING
error_reporting(E_ALL); ## TESTING
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
Save this changes to your web server. Now reload the page in your browser. Now you can read the PHP error message in your browser. After you have fixed this problem, just change both files back to the original state.