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Messages - Kierrip

I would like to know how i could send a welcome message that is for example just showing 20 times.
On their firt 20 connexion they see it and after they don't see it anymore
It seems to be possible into :
"A comma separated list (without spaces) of the total connection count (it is the same value as %CLIENT_TOTALCONNECTIONS% at the welcome message), when this message should be send to the client. Set this to -1 to show it every time. Ranges like 1-100, -20 (means 20 or less) or 100- (means 100 or more) are also possible."

But i tried "5" thinking it should work 5 times
I tried 1-5 thinking i needed a list
i tried -5

Anyway i try many things but so far just "-1" is working.
How i am suppose to make it works?
Thanks you
for example a guy in the clan EDR connect

He get a message from "EDR Daily news:"
Hello captain today edr is moving to this port to make blbbla

He get a message from: "Admin RVR France"
Hello captain our nation is attck this target, be connecte on ts on 22h

He get a message from : "PvP event"
Hello, we are hosting a pvp event on this target on this port blablabla

(that are example)
i would have love to be able to make different bots to see them opening new messages with differents name like: clanname and generalinfo name
As a ts of games i would see many reason to have different bot with differents nickname opening different welcome message to users
I have check the permission and don't see really difference between into "Administrator permissions?" When making an user.
I would like to know 2 things
1) Could i create more than one bot on the same server?
2) If not, how to allow people to use the bot without deleting when i allow function as admin
