Do you thinks it can e possible to have this kind of plugin ?
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Show posts MenuQuotebot_functions = AutoMove:automove,AwayMover:away,BadChannelNameCheck:badchannelname,BadNicknameCheck:badnickname,ChannelNotify:channelnotify,IdleCheck:idle,MuteMover:mute,ServerGroupProtection:servergroupprotection,RecordCheck:record,WelcomeMessage:welcome_guest,Advertising:advertising
# A comma separated list (without spaces) of platform names (it's the same value as %CLIENT_PLATFORM% at the welcome message).
# Only selected platforms will be moved or leave this empty to move all platforms.
# Possible platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS
automove_platform_list =
# Select the message mode, how the clients should get the message.
# poke, chat or none are valid values!
automove_message_mode = chat
# Path to file which contains the auto move configuration and message.
automove_file = config/server1/automove.cfg
Quote# JTS3ServerMod Config File
# The first line is the chat message for the auto move function.
# You can use the following keywords, which will be replaced:
# %CHANNEL_NAME% - Target Channel Name
# Typical BBCode like in Teamspeak 3 Client possible. You can use \n for a new line.
# Use the character sequence §+§ to split a long message into multiple messages.
You were moved to your default channel!
# This is the list of server groups, which will be moved to a specified channel.
# One line per server group starting with the server group id, followed by a comma, and ends with the channel id.
# An example (please remove this example after you understand it):
Quote2017-06-11 01:11:50 Function automove INFO Auto Move is enabled, default channels for 1 server groups set
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