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Messages - ParadoxDE

Der Downloadlink ist anscheinend offline :(
JTS3ServerMod MySQL & WebInterface / Bot benutzer
July 27, 2015, 11:25:09 AM
Wieso müssen Bot Benutzer eigentlich von einem Web INterface Admin gesetzt werden?

Wenn du willst, helfe ich dir gerne dabei Septron, komm ambesten mal auf mein TS ( und da reden wir ma drüber schreib mich (Robin | ParadoxDE) einfach ma an
Wie siehts aus, haste Fortschritte gemacht?
Und wirst du es zum Download bereitstellen?
Danke Stefan, mit dem -config Argument ging es
Nach dem ich den Bot neu installiert habe auf einem Debian 7 Server, und ich ihn starten will gibt r mir das aus:

JTS3ServerMod 5.5.4 Hosting Edition (11.07.2015) Instance Manager started...
InstanceManager config file does not exists or is not readable, quitting now...
Ich habe auf alle Dateien +x und +w aber es geht nicht.

Hier ma en Auszug meiner Config.

# JTS3ServerMod Instance Manager config file
# Each bot instance need:
# X.instance_enable
# X.instance_name
# X.instance_config_path
# Optional:
# X.instance_logfile_path
# X.instance_csvloginlog_path
# X.instance_debug = 1
# For X use a number starting from 1. Make sure that you have not more than 10 missing numbers between the instances.
# At least one enabled instance is needed or the bot process will stop after starting.
# This file must be saved with the encoding ISO-8859-1!

# A comma seperated list (without spaces) of unique user ids,
# which should be able to use bot full admin commands on all bot instances.
# Bot full admin can also see the TS3 server password and is able to use the !exec command.
# The unique user ids looks like this: mBbHRXwDAG7R19Rv3PorhMwbZW4=
bot_fulladmin_list =
# Allow !exec and !execwait commands for bot full admins? 1 = Yes, 0 = No
# This allow you to execute system commands.
# Only use !execwait for commands which quits within some seconds,
# because the bot waits for the end of this command to send you the text output of the program.
# Use !exec for commands with a longer runtime instead,
# this command don't send you any text output, because the bot don't wait for it.
bot_command_exec = 0
# Every time a bot full admin connects to the TS3 server it will be checked if an update for the JTS3ServerMod is available.
# If an update is available, a chat message will be sent to the bot full admin.
# 0 = disable, 1 = final versions, 2 = final and test versions
bot_update_check = 0
# Add a small delay in milliseconds to the bot starting process.
# Only change this value if you have problems starting all bots at once, like hanging bot threads.
delay_bot_start = 100

# Enable the multi IP mode. 1 = Enable, 0 = Disable
# If slow mode is activated, this feature split bot connections to the Teamspeak 3 servers.
# Events (Chat and some functions) and the Client Database Cache gets an own connection which should solve the IP ban problem.
multiipmode_enable = 0
# Local IP Address of the main connection, make sure that this is not the same as for chat and cache!
multiipmode_ip_main =
# Local IP Address of the chat connection, make sure that this is not the same as for main and cache!
multiipmode_ip_chat =
# Local IP Address of the cache connection, make sure that this is not the same as for chat and main!
multiipmode_ip_cache =
# First local port
multiipmode_portrange_min = 50000
# Last local port
# Make sure, that you have at least 3 ports for every bot, which use the slow mode!
multiipmode_portrange_max = 51999

# Enable the telnet interface of the bot. 1 = Enable, 0 = Disable
# You are able to start, stop or reload a bot instance using this telnet interface.
telnet_enable = 1
# Choose a port for the telnet interface, default port is 5873.
telnet_port = 5873
# Choose a password for the telnet interface.
# If this password is shorter than 6 characters, the telnet interface will be disabled!
telnet_password = deleted
# A comma seperated list (without spaces) of IP addresses, which are allowed to connect to the telnet interface.
# Leave empty, if every IP address is allowed to connect.
telnet_whitelist = deleted
# Log telnet connection attempts to logfile? 1 = Enable, 0 = Disable
telnet_connection_log = 1
# Enable this to prevent that the JTS3ServerMod process quits if no bot instances are running. 1 = Enable, 0 = Disable
# You can still quit the process with !botquit in TS3 client chat or with botquit on telnet.
telnet_run_forever = 1

# Use a MySQL database to save bot instances and configurations. 1 = Enable, 0 = Disable
# There should be a structure sql file in the documents directory.
# Import this into your MySQL database to create the tables (the included web interface do this already for you).
# But you must fill this tables by yourself, the bot just reads the informations out there.
mysql_enable = 1
mysql_host = deleted
mysql_port = 3306
mysql_user = root
mysql_password = deleted
mysql_database = tsbot

# Normal log entries older than X days will be deleted from MySQL jts3servermod_log table. 0 = disable auto delete!
mysql_log_delete = 0
# Connection log entries older than X days will be deleted from MySQL jts3servermod_log table. 0 = disable auto delete!
mysql_connection_log_delete = 0

### If you use MySQL, you do not have to edit anything below this line! ###

# Enable bot instance, 1 = yes, 0 = no
# If 0, you can start the bot instance later by chat command from another running instance.
1.instance_enable = 1
# The name is needed to start or stop this virtual bot instance by chat commands. This name has to be unique!
# Don't use spaces in the bot name, only use letters, numbers, minus and underscore!
1.instance_name = bot1
# Path to config file for this bot instance.
1.instance_config_path = config/server1/JTS3ServerMod_server.cfg
# Path to log file for this bot instance. Leave empty to disable file logging.
1.instance_logfile_path = JTS3ServerMod_server1.log
# Path to connection log file for this virtual bot instance. Will be saved in csv format. Leave empty to disable file logging.
# This function creates a CSV file, which logs when which client (including IP address) connects to the TS3 server.
1.instance_csvloginlog_path = JTS3ServerMod_server1_login.csv

Brauche umbedingt hilfe

(sry, kannste nach deiner Antwort closen nur noch eins)
Ja aber ich habe eine Servergruppe angegeben, und ich sagte auch dass mein EIntrag(UID) gelöscht werden soll, aber er enzog sie mir nicht, oder muss überhaupt en UID eintrag drinne sein dass er das speichern kann?
JO geht ned,
Aber bei der Server Group Protection

Er tut die Gruppe hinzufügen, aber wenn er sie wieder ab nehmen soll passiert nix, und es gibt en Error im log

de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.BotConfigurationException: Server Group Protection configuration does not exists or error while loading!
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.functions.ServerGroupProtection.loadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.reloadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.InstanceManager.reloadInstanceConfig(
Wenn ich jetzt die eigene Server erstellung abgeschaltet habe, und einem Kunden einen Erstelle, kann er dann das Server Admin PW sehen?
Und auch dass wenn en Admin einen User anlegt auch eine Mail mit den Einloggdaten versendet wird :)
JTS3ServerMod MySQL & WebInterface / Neue Funktion
June 16, 2015, 09:42:20 PM
Habe gerade festgestelt dass wenn man einen Benutzer(mit Bot) deaktiviert, der Bot nicht gestoppt wird, das wäre aber eigentlich garnicht so schlecht, weil wenn man dem User die benutzung Des Bots entziehen will, ohne dass vorerst die Daten verloren gehen ist das die Perfekteste Funktion :)
Würde mich freuen wenn das eingebaut wird :)
Das selbe Problem hab ich auch :/