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Messages - Nuno

JTS3ServerMod 6.4.1 Hosting Edition (25.06.2017) Instance Manager started...
Writing InstanceManager log file to: /root/bots/JTS3ServerMod_InstanceManager.log
Loading InstanceManager config file from: /root/bots/config/JTS3ServerMod_InstanceManager.cfg
Bot chat command !exec is enabled!
Successfully connected to MySQL server for logging!
MySQL mode enabled!
Route to licence server not found!
JTS3ServerMod licence is not valid, quitting now...
JTS3ServerMod MySQL & WebInterface / Re: Wont connect
January 15, 2017, 01:02:41 AM
So, what would be the logic of i can connect remotly but not locally?

Also, i can connect to the query from the server hosting the pannel, but not from the panel itself, so its not being blocked is something on the connection from the panel:
JTS3ServerMod MySQL & WebInterface / Re: Wont connect
January 08, 2017, 10:27:58 PM
Firewall is disabled, and can't connect even with
JTS3ServerMod MySQL & WebInterface / Re: Wont connect
January 08, 2017, 09:55:57 PM
[root@super1 bots]# cat JTS3ServerMod_InstanceManager.log
2017-01-08 14:41:29 START_MANAGER JTS3ServerMod 6.3.2 Hosting Edition (07.12.2016) Instance Manager started...
2017-01-08 14:41:29 CONFIG Loading InstanceManager config file from: /root/bots/config/JTS3ServerMod_InstanceManager.cfg
2017-01-08 14:41:29 CONFIG Bot chat command !exec is disabled!
2017-01-08 14:41:29 CONFIG Multi IP Mode disabled!
2017-01-08 14:41:30 LOGGER_SQL_CONNECT Successfully connected to MySQL server for logging!
2017-01-08 14:41:30 CONFIG MySQL mode enabled!
2017-01-08 14:41:31 LICENCE_CHECK Licence key is valid! Thank you very much for your support, Nuno!
2017-01-08 14:41:31 START_INSTANCE Start virtual bot instance 113381...
2017-01-08 14:41:31 START_INSTANCE Start virtual bot instance 155153...
2017-01-08 14:41:31 START_INSTANCE Start virtual bot instance 79980...
2017-01-08 14:41:31 START_INSTANCE Start virtual bot instance 91960...
2017-01-08 14:41:31 START_INSTANCE Start virtual bot instance 91342...
2017-01-08 14:41:32 START_INSTANCE Start virtual bot instance 93449...
2017-01-08 14:41:32 START_INSTANCE Start virtual bot instance 139235...
2017-01-08 14:41:32 START_INSTANCE Start virtual bot instance 123820...
2017-01-08 14:41:32 START_INSTANCE Start virtual bot instance 105362...
2017-01-08 14:41:32 START_INSTANCE Start virtual bot instance 90515...
2017-01-08 14:41:32 START_INSTANCE Start virtual bot instance 98478...
2017-01-08 14:41:32 START_INSTANCE Start virtual bot instance 136860...
2017-01-08 14:41:32 START_INSTANCE Start virtual bot instance 158672...
2017-01-08 14:41:32 TELNET_START Query Interface started on port 5873!
2017-01-08 14:46:30 TELNET_CONNECTION Accepted telnet connection from MY_HOME_IP...
2017-01-08 14:46:56 TELNET_CONNECTION Accepted telnet connection from MY_HOME_IP...
2017-01-08 14:46:59 TELNET_CONNECTION Closed telnet connection to MY_HOME_IP...
2017-01-08 14:49:28 TELNET_CONNECTION Closed telnet connection to MY_HOME_IP...
[root@super1 bots]#
JTS3ServerMod MySQL & WebInterface / Wont connect
January 08, 2017, 08:49:04 PM
So, i migrated my panel to the same server running the proccess and cant get it to conect, i can connect from my own PC tho:
facha@UbuntuOS:~$ telnet 5873
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

Requirements are met:

Cant connect using or even

Reached no service on that IP address / port! Make sure that the JTS3ServerMod process is running and the telnet_enable and telnet_run_forever settings at the JTS3ServerMod_InstanceManager.cfg are enabled!
JTS3ServerMod MySQL & WebInterface / Re: Problem Setup
December 30, 2016, 11:18:56 PM
I forgot i needed to import it, fixed
JTS3ServerMod MySQL & WebInterface / Problem Setup
December 30, 2016, 11:16:18 PM
Im trying to setup an instance, but im getting this error, looks like it dosent find the tables on the database but also dosent create them:
2016-12-30 17:13:38 START_MANAGER JTS3ServerMod 6.3.2 Hosting Edition (07.12.2016) Instance Manager started...
2016-12-30 17:13:38 CONFIG Loading InstanceManager config file from: /root/bots/config/JTS3ServerMod_InstanceManager.cfg
2016-12-30 17:13:38 CONFIG Bot chat command !exec is disabled!
2016-12-30 17:13:38 CONFIG Multi IP Mode disabled!
2016-12-30 17:13:38 LOGGER_SQL_CONNECT Successfully connected to MySQL server for logging!
2016-12-30 17:13:38 CONFIG MySQL mode enabled!
2016-12-30 17:13:38 MYSQL_ERROR Error while connecting to database: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'bots.jts3servermod_instances' doesn't exist
2016-12-30 17:13:38 JTS3ServerMod 6.3.2 Hosting Edition (07.12.2016): EXCEPTION
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'bots.jts3servermod_instances' doesn't exist
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(
at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.getInstance(
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(
at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL(
at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL(
at com.mysql.jdbc.StatementImpl.executeQuery(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.f.e(Unknown Source)
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.f.c(Unknown Source)
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.f.<init>(Unknown Source)
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.main(Unknown Source)
JTS3ServerMod MySQL & WebInterface / Re: Bot Banned
April 17, 2016, 03:35:57 PM
Quote from: Stefan1200 on April 17, 2016, 11:54:57 AM
Just check out the TS3 server logs of the instance 0.

2016-04-16 16:56:44.220043|INFO    |CIDRManager   |   |updated query_ip_whitelist ips:,,,
JTS3ServerMod MySQL & WebInterface / Re: Bot Banned
April 17, 2016, 03:57:48 AM
The IP is on the whitelist file:

Is there any way i can list the whitelisted ips via query or such or any way i can verify the IP is whitelisted?
JTS3ServerMod MySQL & WebInterface / Bot Banned
April 16, 2016, 06:48:36 PM
My bots keep getting banned:

de.stefan1200.jts3serverquery.TS3ServerQueryException: ServerQuery Error 3329: connection failed, you are banned - you may retry in 599 seconds

The bot runs on a different machine then the TS3 but the IP is on query_ip_whitelist.txt

Also, in the TeamSpeak server logs i cant find that ban being issued
You could add an API in order to add(with custom bots limit) / delete users (deleting their bots)

Is there any way to do this currently?
It would be good to integrate with other things