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Show posts Menu2020-11-12 00:01:18 JTS3ServerMod ERROR Unable to switch channel (own client ID: 1)!
2020-11-12 00:01:18 JTS3ServerMod EXCEPTION de.stefan1200.jts3serverquery.TS3ServerQueryException: ServerQuery Error 768: invalid channelID
2016-09-24 14:47:21 Function channelnotify WARNING Channel Notify message is to long! Make sure that poke messages are not longer than 100 characters (including spaces and BBCode), check file: %apphome%config/anzahcraft/config/channelnotifymessages.cfg
2016-09-24 14:47:21 Function channelnotify WARNING Error while poking Client ID: 5
2016-09-24 14:47:21 Function channelnotify WARNING de.stefan1200.jts3serverquery.TS3ServerQueryException: ServerQuery Error 1541: invalid parameter size
2016-09-24 14:47:21 Function channelnotify WARNING Error while poking Client ID: 31
2016-09-24 14:47:21 Function channelnotify WARNING de.stefan1200.jts3serverquery.TS3ServerQueryException: ServerQuery Error 1541: invalid parameter size
2016-09-24 14:47:21 Function channelnotify WARNING Error while poking Client ID: 35
2016-09-24 14:47:21 Function channelnotify WARNING de.stefan1200.jts3serverquery.TS3ServerQueryException: ServerQuery Error 1541: invalid parameter size
# JTS3ServerMod Config File
# Channel Notify message, specified clients get this message as chat or poke message.
# You can use the following keywords, which will be replaced:
# %CLIENT_NAME% - Client Name
# %CLIENT_NAME_CLICKABLE% - Clickable client name (many characters, not useful for poke messages!)
# %CLIENT_DBID% - Client Database ID
# %CLIENT_UNIQUEID% - Client Unique ID
# %CHANNEL_NAME% - Watched Channel Name
# %CHANNEL_NAME_CLICKABLE% - Clickable watched Channel Name (many characters, not useful for poke messages!)
# Typical BBCode like in Teamspeak 3 Client possible. You can use \n for a new line.
# Use the character sequence §+§ to split a long message into multiple messages.
# Channel Notify message for the watched client.
# If enabled, clients joining the watched channel get this message as chat or poke message.
# You can use the following keywords, which will be replaced:
# %CLIENT_COUNT% - Number of target group clients who get informed about this client
# %CLIENT_NAMES% - List of names of target group clients who get informed about this client
# %CLIENT_NAMES_CLICKABLE% - List of clickable client names of target group clients who get informed about this client (many characters, not useful for poke messages!)
# %CHANNEL_NAME% - Watched Channel Name
# Typical BBCode like in Teamspeak 3 Client possible. You can use \n for a new line.
# Use the character sequence §+§ to split a long message into multiple messages.
Bitte warten, %CLIENT_COUNT% Admins sind online und werden dir sofort helfen.
# Channel Notify message for the watched client, if no target group client is online.
# If enabled, clients joining the watched channel get this message as chat or poke message.
# You can use the following keywords, which will be replaced:
# %CHANNEL_NAME% - Watched Channel Name
# Typical BBCode like in Teamspeak 3 Client possible. You can use \n for a new line.
# Use the character sequence §+§ to split a long message into multiple messages.
Es sind gerade keine Admins online, bitte schreibe uns ein Ticket.
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