Auto features(such as welcome)

Started by Tyler, January 11, 2015, 08:10:02 PM

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Ok, so I'm not very exp. with coding especially java.  I'm having troubles with my auto features such as welcome message, auto move and more.  I can confirm that my !lastseen works along with other features.  Im not sure how to use putty.  I just launch with JTS3 java file.  My welcome config file is "welcomemessages.cfg".  If needed I can provide more info.  Thanks in advance

# Config file of the JTS3ServerMod
# This file must be saved with the encoding ISO-8859-1!
# File created at 2014-12-15 18:54:21

# Teamspeak 3 server address
ts3_server_address =
# Teamspeak 3 server query port, default is 10011
ts3_server_query_port = 10011
# Teamspeak 3 server query admin account name
ts3_server_query_login = serveradmin
# Teamspeak 3 server query admin password
ts3_server_query_password =
# Teamspeak 3 virtual server ID or -1 to use ts3_virtualserver_port
ts3_virtualserver_id = 1
# Teamspeak 3 virtual server port, only needed if ts3_virtualserver_id is set to -1
ts3_virtualserver_port = 9987

# Channel id, the bot will join into it after connecting. If not wanted, use a negative number like -1.
# Don't set the default channel here, because the bot is already in the default channel after connecting.
bot_channel_id = 1
# Activate the slow mode of the bot, 0 = disable, 1 = enable.
# If slow mode is activated, the bot connects slower to the server
# and disables some bot features to reduce the amount of needed commands.
# This feature may allow you to use the bot without whitelist the bot IP address.
# Slow mode disables the bad channel name check, channel notify, client auto move, client database cache,
# server group notify, welcome message and do not allow the bot check interval to be lower than 3 seconds.
bot_slowmode = 0
# Check every X seconds, default is 1. Values between 1 and 30 are allowed.
# If slow mode is activated, 3 is the lowest possible value.
bot_check_interval = 1
# A different encoding of the messages config files.
# Default is UTF-8 which should be good for all EU and US languages.
# Change this only if you know what you are doing!
# For English or German language you can also use the encoding ISO-8859-1
# A list of all valid ones:
bot_messages_encoding = UTF-8
# This enables the client database list cache. This cache is needed for commands like !lastseen. 1 = Enable, 0 = Disable
bot_clientdblist_cache = 1
# This enables the global message variables. See readme file for a list of variables. 1 = Enable, 0 = Disable
# If enabled, you can use all server variables in all messages. If not needed, disable this to save performance.
bot_global_message_vars = 1
# Server Query name, this will be displayed as name of the connection.
bot_server_query_name = JTS3ServerMod
# Second Server Query name, this will be displayed as name of the connection.
# This name will be used, if the first name is already in use.
bot_server_query_name_2 = MyJTS3ServerMod
# Change the date pattern, which will be used to format a date in chat functions and welcome message.
# To get help how to make such a pattern, look here:
bot_date_pattern = yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
# Should the bot try to connect forever if the Teamspeak server or the bot is offline? 0 = disable, 1 = enable
bot_connect_forever = 0
# Every time a bot full admin connects to the TS3 server it will be checked if an update for the JTS3ServerMod is available.
# If an update is available, a chat message will be sent to the bot full admin.
# 0 = disable, 1 = final versions, 2 = final and test versions
bot_update_check = 1
# Minimum log level, how much details you want to be written to the bot log files? Default is 1.
# Higher log levels will be also written, as an example: You set log level to 2, level 2, 3 and critical errors will be written to bot log file.
# 0 = Debug
# 1 = Information (recommended and default)
# 2 = Warning (recommended for smaller log files)
# 3 = Error (experts only)
bot_log_level = 1
# A comma separated list (without spaces) of unique user ids, which should be able to use bot admin commands.
# The unique user ids looks like this: mBbHRXwDAG7R19Rv3PorhMwbZW4=
bot_admin_list = clq/239mOb71VPZ9O7oK6To7SSg=

# Set a comma separated list (without spaces) of needed bot functions here.
# Each function needs the function class and the function name, both separated with a colon.
# All possible function classes are listed below, that class is case sensitive!
# That function name you choose is important and has to be unique. It will be used as prefix for the configuration key names and chat commands.
# Don't use spaces in the function names, only use letters, numbers, minus and underscore!
# Most functions allow multiple usage, that allows you to set as many welcome messages or idle check rules, as you want.
# Don't forget that you have to put all settings of the functions in this file.
# Hint: Start the bot with the argument -updateconfig after adding bot functions, that writes the configuration for all functions into this file!
# Whole command: java -jar JTS3ServerMod.jar -updateconfig
# Notice: This -updateconfig will also delete all lines of removed or renamed functions in this config file!
# For more information about the functions read documents/ConfigHelp.html or documents/ConfigHelp_deutsch.html!
# Example: IdleCheck:idle,IdleCheck:idle_guest,MuteMover:mute,WelcomeMessage:welcome,WelcomeMessage:welcome_guest
# This example gives you the following:
# - Two IdleCheck with the name idle and idle_guest
# - One MuteMover with the name mute
# - Two WelcomeMessage with the name welcome and welcome_guest
# Function list (use only once!):
# AutoMove - Move connecting clients of a specified server group to a specified channel
# LastSeen - Chat command to check the last online time of a client (client database list cache must be enabled!)
# Function list (multiple use possible):
# Advertising - Send messages to channel or server chat every X minutes
# AwayMover - Move the client as soon as away status is set for longer than X seconds
# BadChannelNameCheck - Checking for bad channel names, can delete the channel and punish the client
# BadNicknameCheck - Checking for bad nicknames and can punish the client
# ChannelNotify - Notify specified server groups about clients joining a specified channel
# IdleCheck - Move or kick an idle client, can also send an idle warning message
# InactiveChannelCheck - Delete channels if empty for more than X hours
# MuteMover - Move the client as soon as the specified mute status is set for longer than X seconds
# RecordCheck - Move or kick a recording client (of course only the record function of the Teamspeak client is detected)
# ServerGroupNotify - Notify specified server groups about clients of specified server groups connecting to the TS3 server
# ServerGroupProtection - Make sure that only specified clients are members of the specified server groups
# WelcomeMessage - Sends a message to new connected clients
bot_functions = AutoMove:automove,AwayMover:away,LastSeen:lastseen, WelcomeMessage:welcome,WelcomeMessage:welcome_guest

# Select the message mode, how the clients should get the message.
# poke, chat or none are valid values!
automove_message_mode = chat
# Path to file which contains the auto move configuration and message.
automove_file = config/automove.cfg

# Move client back if not away anymore? Set yes or no here!
away_moveback = yes
# Channel id to move away clients into it
away_channel_id =
# Idle time in seconds after the client with away status will be moved to the channel.
# Has between 0 and 10000 seconds!
away_delay = 5
# A comma separated list (without spaces) of channel ids.
# Depends on the given mode, this channels can be ignored or only this channels will be checked!
# If no channels should be ignored, set no channels here and select the channel list mode ignore!
away_channel_list =
# Select one of the two modes for the channel list.
# ignore = The selected channels will be ignored.
# only = Only the selected channels will be checked.
away_channel_list_mode = ignore
# A comma separated list (without spaces) of server group ids.
# Depends on the given mode, this server groups can be ignored or only this server groups will be checked!
# If no server groups should be ignored, set no server groups here and select the group list mode ignore!
away_group_list =
# Select one of the two modes for the server group list.
# ignore = The selected server groups will be ignored.
# only = Only the selected server groups will be checked.
away_group_list_mode = ignore
# Select the message mode, how the client should get the message.
# poke, chat or none are valid values!
away_message_mode = none
# Path to file which contains the away mover message
away_file = config/awaymessages.cfg

# Who should be able to use the last seen command? Possible values: all, botadmin, servergroup
# This command only works if the bot_clientdblist_cache is enabled!
lastseen_user = botadmin
# A comma separated list (without spaces) of server group ids.
# Depends on the given mode, this server groups can be ignored or only this server groups will be allowed to use the !lastseen command!
# This is only needed, if user servergroup is selected!
lastseen_group_list =
# Select one of the two modes for the server group list.
# ignore = The selected server groups will be ignored.
# only = Only the selected server groups are allowed to use the !lastseen command!
lastseen_group_list_mode = ignore

# A comma separated list (without spaces) of server group ids.
# Depends on the given mode, this server groups can be ignored or only this server groups get this welcome message!
# If no server groups should be ignored, set no server groups here and select the group list mode ignore!
welcome_group_list =
# Select one of the two modes for the server group list.
# ignore = The selected server groups will be ignored and don't get this welcome message.
# only = Only the selected server groups get this welcome message.
welcome_group_list_mode = ignore
# A comma separated list (without spaces) of the total connection count (it's the same value as %CLIENT_TOTALCONNECTIONS% at the welcome message),
# when this message should be send to the client. Set this to -1 to show it every time.
welcome_showonconnectionnumber = -1
# Select the message mode, how the client should get the message.
# poke or chat are valid values!
welcome_message_mode = chat
# Path to file which contains the welcome message.
welcome_file = config/welcomemessages.cfg

# A comma separated list (without spaces) of server group ids.
# Depends on the given mode, this server groups can be ignored or only this server groups get this welcome message!
# If no server groups should be ignored, set no server groups here and select the group list mode ignore!
welcome_guest_group_list =
# Select one of the two modes for the server group list.
# ignore = The selected server groups will be ignored and don't get this welcome message.
# only = Only the selected server groups get this welcome message.
welcome_guest_group_list_mode =
# A comma separated list (without spaces) of the total connection count (it's the same value as %CLIENT_TOTALCONNECTIONS% at the welcome message),
# when this message should be send to the client. Set this to -1 to show it every time.
welcome_guest_showonconnectionnumber = -1
# Select the message mode, how the client should get the message.
# poke or chat are valid values!
welcome_guest_message_mode = chat
# Path to file which contains the welcome message.
welcome_guest_file = config/welcomemessages.cfg


Please attach the log files of the bot too.


Edit by Stefan1200: Removed config file


2015-01-11 14:16:40 JTS3ServerMod STATUS Virtual bot instance "bot1" starts now
2015-01-11 14:16:40 JTS3ServerMod STATUS Activate log level: INFO
2015-01-11 14:16:40 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successfully loaded function: AutoMove / automove
2015-01-11 14:16:40 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successfully loaded function: AwayMover / away
2015-01-11 14:16:40 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successfully loaded function: LastSeen / lastseen
2015-01-11 14:16:40 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successfully loaded function: WelcomeMessage / welcome
2015-01-11 14:16:40 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successfully loaded function: WelcomeMessage / welcome_guest
2015-01-11 14:16:40 Function automove ERROR Auto Move config file you set at config key "automove_file" does not exist or missing permission for reading, check file path: config/automove.cfg
2015-01-11 14:16:40 JTS3ServerMod EXCEPTION Bot Version: 5.3 Final (27.10.2014)
de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.BotConfigurationException: Auto Move message and configuration could not be loaded!
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.functions.AutoMove.loadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.reloadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.loadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.loadAndCheckConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.runMod(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.access$2(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod$
at Source)
2015-01-11 14:16:40 JTS3ServerMod EXCEPTION Bot Version: 5.3 Final (27.10.2014)
java.lang.NumberFormatException: Config value of "away_channel_id" is not a number! Current value:
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.functions.AwayMover.loadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.reloadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.loadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.loadAndCheckConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.runMod(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.access$2(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod$
at Source)
2015-01-11 14:16:40 JTS3ServerMod ERROR The file you set at config key "welcome_file" does not exist or missing permission for reading, check file path: config/welcomemessages.cfg
2015-01-11 14:16:40 JTS3ServerMod EXCEPTION Bot Version: 5.3 Final (27.10.2014)
de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.BotConfigurationException: Welcome message could not be loaded!
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.functions.WelcomeMessage.loadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.reloadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.loadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.loadAndCheckConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.runMod(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.access$2(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod$
at Source)
2015-01-11 14:16:40 JTS3ServerMod ERROR The file you set at config key "welcome_guest_file" does not exist or missing permission for reading, check file path: config/welcomemessages.cfg
2015-01-11 14:16:40 JTS3ServerMod EXCEPTION Bot Version: 5.3 Final (27.10.2014)
de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.BotConfigurationException: Welcome message could not be loaded!
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.functions.WelcomeMessage.loadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.reloadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.loadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.loadAndCheckConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.runMod(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.access$2(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod$
at Source)
2015-01-11 14:16:41 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successful connected to!
2015-01-11 14:16:41 JTS3ServerMod INFO Login as "serveradmin" successful!
2015-01-11 14:16:42 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successful selected virtual server 1!
2015-01-11 14:16:42 JTS3ServerMod ERROR Unable to switch channel (own client ID: 6)!
2015-01-11 14:16:42 JTS3ServerMod ERROR Notice: If channel ID 1 is the default channel, use -1 in bot config!
2015-01-11 14:16:42 JTS3ServerMod EXCEPTION Bot Version: 5.3 Final (27.10.2014)
de.stefan1200.jts3serverquery.TS3ServerQueryException: ServerQuery Error 770: already member of channel
at de.stefan1200.jts3serverquery.JTS3ServerQuery.moveClient(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.runMod(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.access$2(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod$
at Source)
2015-01-11 14:16:42 JTS3ServerMod INFO Server connection log is activated and will be written into the file: JTS3ServerMod_server1_login.csv
2015-01-11 14:16:42 JTS3ServerMod INFO Creating client database cache...
2015-01-11 14:16:42 Function lastseen INFO Check the last seen time of a client with the command !lastseen, this can be used by bot admins!
2015-01-11 14:16:42 JTS3ServerMod INFO Bot started and connected successful, write !botinfo in server chat to get an answer!
2015-01-11 14:16:52 JTS3ServerMod INFO Client database cache created, 51 clients in cache.


But you saw the error messages in log file?

Auto Move config file you set at config key "automove_file" does not exist or missing permission for reading, check file path: config/automove.cfg
Config value of "away_channel_id" is not a number! Current value:
The file you set at config key "welcome_file" does not exist or missing permission for reading, check file path: config/welcomemessages.cfg
The file you set at config key "welcome_guest_file" does not exist or missing permission for reading, check file path: config/welcomemessages.cfg
Unable to switch channel (own client ID: 6)! Notice: If channel ID 1 is the default channel, use -1 in bot config!


Just saw that  ;).  Sorry like I said I'm pretty newb.  So why does it say successfully loaded function then has errors?  Are my server1 config files not named right?


Quote from: Tyler on January 11, 2015, 08:25:49 PM
So why does it say successfully loaded function then has errors?  Are my server1 config files not named right?

Well, the successfully loaded message just mention that the functions are loaded into the memory and start to operate. The first thing the functions do is loading the configuration. And they are wrong.

Yes, the path to the files are wrong, I guess the files don't exists at that place. Maybe they are in the sub directory server1? Change the path in the config files to the correct one, maybe as an example:  config/server1/automove.cfg


Ahhhh yesss! Now here is what I have2015-01-11 14:37:26 JTS3ServerMod STATUS Virtual bot instance "bot1" starts now
2015-01-11 14:37:26 JTS3ServerMod STATUS Activate log level: INFO
2015-01-11 14:37:26 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successfully loaded function: AutoMove / automove
2015-01-11 14:37:26 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successfully loaded function: AwayMover / away
2015-01-11 14:37:26 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successfully loaded function: LastSeen / lastseen
2015-01-11 14:37:26 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successfully loaded function: WelcomeMessage / welcome
2015-01-11 14:37:26 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successfully loaded function: WelcomeMessage / welcome_guest
2015-01-11 14:37:26 JTS3ServerMod EXCEPTION Bot Version: 5.3 Final (27.10.2014)
java.lang.NumberFormatException: Config value of "away_channel_id" is not a number! Current value:
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.functions.AwayMover.loadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.reloadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.loadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.loadAndCheckConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.runMod(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.access$2(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod$
at Source)
2015-01-11 14:37:26 JTS3ServerMod ERROR The file you set at config key "welcome_file" does not exist or missing permission for reading, check file path: config/welcomemessages.cfg
2015-01-11 14:37:26 JTS3ServerMod EXCEPTION Bot Version: 5.3 Final (27.10.2014)
de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.BotConfigurationException: Welcome message could not be loaded!
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.functions.WelcomeMessage.loadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.reloadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.loadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.loadAndCheckConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.runMod(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.access$2(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod$
at Source)
2015-01-11 14:37:26 JTS3ServerMod ERROR The file you set at config key "welcome_guest_file" does not exist or missing permission for reading, check file path: config/welcomemessages.cfg
2015-01-11 14:37:26 JTS3ServerMod EXCEPTION Bot Version: 5.3 Final (27.10.2014)
de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.BotConfigurationException: Welcome message could not be loaded!
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.functions.WelcomeMessage.loadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.reloadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.loadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.loadAndCheckConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.runMod(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.access$2(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod$
at Source)
2015-01-11 14:37:27 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successful connected to!
2015-01-11 14:37:27 JTS3ServerMod INFO Login as "serveradmin" successful!
2015-01-11 14:37:27 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successful selected virtual server 1!
2015-01-11 14:37:27 JTS3ServerMod ERROR Unable to switch channel (own client ID: 7)!
2015-01-11 14:37:27 JTS3ServerMod ERROR Notice: If channel ID 1 is the default channel, use -1 in bot config!
2015-01-11 14:37:27 JTS3ServerMod EXCEPTION Bot Version: 5.3 Final (27.10.2014)
de.stefan1200.jts3serverquery.TS3ServerQueryException: ServerQuery Error 770: already member of channel
at de.stefan1200.jts3serverquery.JTS3ServerQuery.moveClient(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.runMod(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.access$2(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod$
at Source)
2015-01-11 14:37:28 JTS3ServerMod INFO Server connection log is activated and will be written into the file: JTS3ServerMod_server1_login.csv
2015-01-11 14:37:28 JTS3ServerMod INFO Creating client database cache...
2015-01-11 14:37:28 Function automove INFO Auto Move is enabled, default channels for 6 server groups set
2015-01-11 14:37:28 Function lastseen INFO Check the last seen time of a client with the command !lastseen, this can be used by bot admins!
2015-01-11 14:37:28 JTS3ServerMod INFO Bot started and connected successful, write !botinfo in server chat to get an answer!


Yeah, correct the other errors too. You fixed the first of 5 errors I posted 20 minutes ago.


Ok, I see now.  I never paid attention there was a source for each function.  Im a newb.2015-01-11 14:42:12 JTS3ServerMod STATUS Virtual bot instance "bot1" starts now
2015-01-11 14:42:12 JTS3ServerMod STATUS Activate log level: INFO
2015-01-11 14:42:12 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successfully loaded function: AutoMove / automove
2015-01-11 14:42:12 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successfully loaded function: AwayMover / away
2015-01-11 14:42:12 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successfully loaded function: LastSeen / lastseen
2015-01-11 14:42:12 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successfully loaded function: WelcomeMessage / welcome
2015-01-11 14:42:12 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successfully loaded function: WelcomeMessage / welcome_guest
2015-01-11 14:42:12 JTS3ServerMod EXCEPTION Bot Version: 5.3 Final (27.10.2014)
java.lang.NumberFormatException: Config value of "away_channel_id" is not a number! Current value:
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.functions.AwayMover.loadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.reloadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.loadConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.loadAndCheckConfig(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.runMod(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.access$2(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod$
at Source)
2015-01-11 14:42:13 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successful connected to!
2015-01-11 14:42:13 JTS3ServerMod INFO Login as "serveradmin" successful!
2015-01-11 14:42:13 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successful selected virtual server 1!
2015-01-11 14:42:13 JTS3ServerMod ERROR Unable to switch channel (own client ID: 8)!
2015-01-11 14:42:13 JTS3ServerMod ERROR Notice: If channel ID 1 is the default channel, use -1 in bot config!
2015-01-11 14:42:13 JTS3ServerMod EXCEPTION Bot Version: 5.3 Final (27.10.2014)
de.stefan1200.jts3serverquery.TS3ServerQueryException: ServerQuery Error 770: already member of channel
at de.stefan1200.jts3serverquery.JTS3ServerQuery.moveClient(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.runMod(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod.access$2(
at de.stefan1200.jts3servermod.JTS3ServerMod$
at Source)
2015-01-11 14:42:14 JTS3ServerMod INFO Server connection log is activated and will be written into the file: JTS3ServerMod_server1_login.csv
2015-01-11 14:42:14 Function automove INFO Auto Move is enabled, default channels for 6 server groups set
2015-01-11 14:42:14 JTS3ServerMod INFO Creating client database cache...
2015-01-11 14:42:14 Function lastseen INFO Check the last seen time of a client with the command !lastseen, this can be used by bot admins!
2015-01-11 14:42:14 Function welcome INFO All new connecting clients get the welcome message from file config/server1/welcomemessages.cfg
2015-01-11 14:42:14 Function welcome_guest INFO All new connecting clients get the welcome message from file config/server1/welcomemessages.cfg
2015-01-11 14:42:14 JTS3ServerMod INFO Bot started and connected successful, write !botinfo in server chat to get an answer!
  Ok so,  now when i join in I recieve a personal chat message in a seperate tab.  But still with no welcome message.


Quote from: Tyler on January 11, 2015, 08:45:15 PM
Ok so,  now when i join in I recieve a personal chat message in a seperate tab.  But still with no welcome message.

Which message do you got? You know that you set the welcome message to a chat message in bot config? If you want a poke message, you have to change the _message_mode


# JTS3ServerMod Config File
# Set welcome message. You can use \n for a new line and typical BBCode like in Teamspeak 3 Client.
# You can use the following keywords, which will be replaced:
# %CLIENT_ID% - Current client ID on the server
# %CLIENT_DATABASE_ID% - Client database ID
# %CLIENT_UNIQUE_ID% - Unique client ID
# %CLIENT_COUNTRY% - Short name of the client country, detected by the TS3 server
# %CLIENT_NICKNAME% - Nickname of the client
# %CLIENT_VERSION% - Client version
# %CLIENT_PLATFORM% - Client platform (Windows, Linux, ...)
# %CLIENT_IP% - Client IP address, bot needs permission b_client_remoteaddress_view for this!
# %CLIENT_CREATED% - Date and time of the first connection of the client
# %CLIENT_TOTALCONNECTIONS% - Total connection count of the client
# %CLIENT_MONTH_BYTES_UPLOADED% - Uploaded data in current month (filetransfer and avatar)
# %CLIENT_MONTH_BYTES_DOWNLOADED% - Downloaded data in current month (filetransfer and avatar)
# %CLIENT_TOTAL_BYTES_UPLOADED% - Uploaded data all times (filetransfer and avatar)
# %CLIENT_TOTAL_BYTES_DOWNLOADED% - Downloaded data all times (filetransfer and avatar)
Hello %CLIENT_NICKNAME%!\nYour first visit was at %CLIENT_CREATED%.\nThis is your visit number %CLIENT_TOTALCONNECTIONS%.
GREAT! Thank you so much for the help!


Ok i have most of my errors cleared now 2015-01-11 16:16:40 JTS3ServerMod STATUS Virtual bot instance "bot1" starts now
2015-01-11 16:16:40 JTS3ServerMod STATUS Activate log level: INFO
2015-01-11 16:16:40 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successfully loaded function: Advertising / advertising
2015-01-11 16:16:40 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successfully loaded function: AutoMove / automove
2015-01-11 16:16:40 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successfully loaded function: AwayMover / away
2015-01-11 16:16:40 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successfully loaded function: LastSeen / lastseen
2015-01-11 16:16:40 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successfully loaded function: WelcomeMessage / welcome
2015-01-11 16:16:40 Function welcome WARNING Welcome Message is to long! Make sure that poke messages are not longer than 100 characters (including spaces and BBCode), check file: config/server1/welcomemessages.cfg
2015-01-11 16:16:40 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successful connected to!
2015-01-11 16:16:41 JTS3ServerMod INFO Login as "serveradmin" successful!
2015-01-11 16:16:41 JTS3ServerMod INFO Successful selected virtual server 1!
2015-01-11 16:16:41 JTS3ServerMod INFO Server connection log is activated and will be written into the file: JTS3ServerMod_server1_login.csv
2015-01-11 16:16:41 JTS3ServerMod INFO Creating client database cache...
2015-01-11 16:16:41 Function advertising INFO Advertising will be send to virtual server every 30 minutes (1 messages found)
2015-01-11 16:16:41 Function automove INFO Auto Move is enabled, default channels for 3 server groups set
2015-01-11 16:16:41 Function away INFO Clients with away status will be moved to Channel "AFK in the House" (id: 7) after 10000 seconds and moved back if not away anymore!
2015-01-11 16:16:41 Function lastseen INFO Check the last seen time of a client with the command !lastseen, this can be used by bot admins!
2015-01-11 16:16:41 Function welcome INFO New connecting clients which are not members of selected server groups (id: 8) get the welcome message from file config/server1/welcomemessages.cfg
2015-01-11 16:16:41 JTS3ServerMod INFO Bot started and connected successful, write !botinfo in server chat to get an answer!
2015-01-11 16:16:52 JTS3ServerMod INFO Client database cache created, 51 clients in cache.
2015-01-11 16:17:18 Function automove INFO Client "Tester" (db id: 3) has connected, moved to channel: AFK in the House(id: 7)

Now, we have having trouble with everyone but me as Sever Admin being moved to AFK as soon as they join in Server.


Ok, nevermind.  Im an idiot =).  I see now