Changing colors of the green highlighted keywords

Started by Stefan1200, November 07, 2014, 09:02:07 PM

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You like to change the color of the green highlighted keywords in the helptext of the web interface, like shown in this screenshot?

Since Web Interface 3.0 Build 3010 (10.07.2015) this colors are taken from the css file.
Just look into the css file in the data/css directory at the class:

In older Web Interface versions you have to change the colors in the database:
Example: Change the color from #008000 to #800080
UPDATE jts3servermodwebui_translation SET `textmessage` = REPLACE (`textmessage`, '[color=#008000]', '[color=#800080]') WHERE `textmessage` LIKE '%[color=#008000]%'

Just list all messages with BBCode color:
SELECT * FROM `jts3servermodwebui_translation` WHERE `textmessage` LIKE '%[color=%'

Just execute this SQL commands using PHPMyAdmin or a MySQL client of your choice.
