Bot still isn't visible..

Started by fr33soul, June 16, 2016, 01:18:41 PM

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I want to set the bot visible and even if i set through the bookmarks panel the "make visible client serverquery" and checked the server query client view power 75, it is still invisible..


Are you sure, that the bot account has a needed server query view power of 75 or lower? Make sure, that you reconnect after you change this permissions.


How can i set it if i can't see it and handle it?


I don't understand, why you can't see it? Remember, if you use the serveradmin query account, all needed values are 100. So just raise the server query view power to 100 and reconnect to the TS3 server.


I solved by creating another serverquery admin account instead of using serveradmin account,

ty Boss ;)