Question about EXCEPTION type warnings

Started by Emre, November 09, 2014, 05:29:33 PM

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Thanks a lot for the hint, i want to ask a question about EXCEPTION type warnings.

I think any bad-name user or/and valid user entering a inactive/active room.

To clarify, need investigation by the hour from login logs for problem source.

New feature expention errors more extensible? I can not see the source of the problem error entries.


The exception type log entries are attended by another Error or Warning message, in most cases. Or the exception itself are quite self explaining.
In fact you can see in the function column, which function had this Exception.

In this case it was an unexpected Exception because a client was not there as expected. This happen if a client connect to the server and disconnect just some milliseconds later.

Every program always has points where it has an unexpected error. There can't be errors all the time with the perfect solution included. Since version 5.3 the JTS3ServerMod already got a big rewrite at the error handling and create already much better error messages. I just wish everyone would read them. :(

For the users only the first line of the Exception is interesting and informational. The stack trace is just interesting for me.

By the way: Please open a new forum thread for new topics! Especially don't use my info or announcement threads for completely different questions. Only use my threads if you have questions about the topic I wrote about.


Thanks for the explanation. It's pretty clear to me now.