New function that can be add

Started by MrChicken, January 13, 2015, 09:22:21 PM

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I'm Bobby and I always use bot for do anything.
This one is really cool and I think other functions can be add.

I wonder if it is possible to add a function: Autoban
Taking ip blacklist written by the user.
With the commands:
! botautoban on / off
! botautobanadd XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
! botautobanremove XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

The blacklist could be managed via SQL or TXT documents.

Also offer the posibility of automove move specific users, not just the server group to a specific channel.

A badwords function would also be interesting, knowing that we can connect multiple instances on the TS3 server and therefore check several channel.
In the same principle as the Autoban but mixed with the same principle as the user name check function and channel.

Thank you


I don't understand the usage of the Auto BAN stuff?

I don't like to add something like the "Bad Chat Message Check", because I don't want to connect 1000 bots to a single server with 1000 channels.


AutoBan is really usefull for block proxy.
When other bot are connecting to TS3 server for do ads.
I have make a big database proxy IP.
So an autoban will control ads bot.


And why you can't simply use the ban system of the TS3 server?


Can we add a bunch of ip, because add the ip manually one by one will take so much time.
if you know how much proxy ip are on the internet.. My bot can extract around 200 new ip/day.


Hmm, well, this can be done much easier using a nice PHP web interface controlling the TS3 ban table. I'm sure there are already tools which are able to import a ban list or something like that.


I dont have see anything like that, but I will continue to check.

And what you think about :
QuoteAlso offer the posibility of automove move specific users, not just the server group to a specific channel.


Quote from: MrChicken on January 13, 2015, 10:07:43 PM
Also offer the posibility of automove move specific users, not just the server group to a specific channel.

AutoMove should support Unique Client IDs and Server Group IDs? Sounds like a good idea. Is on my ToDo.


Of course you can range-ban IP Addresses with the TS3-Server itself!

Follow these Steps:

  • Go to the banlist
  • Click "add"
  • Fill the "IP" field with the address or range you want to ban like in the example below
  • Feel free to fill the "reason" field too

Cause of the possibility using regular expression in ts3 to ban, you need to replace all "." with "\." and all "*" with ".*"
a, b, c and d are numbers 1-255 (for those who do not know)

IP only

Range of 255 IPs

Range of 255 * 255 IPs


Hi, thank you for your answer, but as I say,
this is not range, but list I need to ban.
I have 200+ new ip/day.


Another question,
Can we log channel message with the bot ?
This can be good for keep trace of player.


Only if each room has its own bot.


Yeah, this is my goal, but now, they can log chat ? or this is an option to be add ?



Quote from: MrChicken on January 15, 2015, 12:20:40 AM
Another question,
Can we log channel message with the bot ?
This can be good for keep trace of player.

Would be the same answer:
Quote from: Stefan1200 on January 13, 2015, 09:26:56 PM
I don't like to add something like the "Bad Chat Message Check", because I don't want to connect 1000 bots to a single server with 1000 channels.